Tuesday, December 2, 2008

7 Online Dating Tips

There are 7 tips; you must arm yourself with before venturing into online dating:

First - Do your homework before selecting an online dating site to join. Always test the waters with their free trial offer. If they don’t offer a free trial, move on!

Second - Cruise their site. Randomly check out their members, both male and female. If you had a party, would you invite most of these members? If not, this isn’t the place for you.

Explore their features; make sure they have flexible options. Mainly, there should be extensive “search” options.

Third – Choose an appropriate User Name. Be careful...you can use a “play” on words, but please make sure it isn’t offensive.

Also, avoid overtly sexual “user names”. I personally avoid profiles that have obvious or even hidden sexual meanings.

That is not the way to introduce yourself to strangers. I promise you, the responses you receive will be sexually obscene.

Fourth - Take your time putting up your profile. Make sure it is thoughtful, informative, and mature. If you come across as a silly, immature person...? That’s exactly the type of people you will attract.

Upload a fairly current and flattering photo.

Fifth - Customize your site. Make it stand out. If you have a favorite poem, add it. If you fancy yourself as a sketch artist, include a couple of your favorites.

Sixth – I suggest listing your “ground rules”.

On all of my dating profiles, I list what I will not respond to:

No photo? No response! (5% of the time I will break this rule. It depends on their initial email.)

I will not respond to “flirts”! You know the ones: “hey you” “smile” “kiss” “wink”
“I am interested in you” “you’re beautiful” etc.

I’m really not sure why, but the “flirts” really get under my skin!

Seventh – Prepare a basic “thanks-but-no-thank” email to send to someone you have absolutely no interest in. I’ve used the same one for years:

“Thanks for your interest, but I believe someone else would be better suited for you than me. Good luck in your search.”

Online dating should be fun! But you must set yourself up correctly...to get control of your online dating “environment”. This is your place...enjoy it!


7 Online Dating Tips You Must Have

There are 7 tips; you must have before getting involved with online dating:

First - Do your homework before selecting an online dating site to join. Always test the waters with their free trial offer. If they don’t offer a free trial, move on!

Second - Cruise their site. Randomly check out their members, both male and female. If you had a party, would you invite most of these members? If not, this isn’t the place for you.

Thoroughly check out the features of each site; make sure they have flexible options. Mainly, there should be extensive “search” options.

Third – Choose an appropriate User Name. Be careful...you can use a “play” on words, but please make sure it isn’t offensive.

Please avoid overtly sexual “user names”. I personally refuse to respond to profiles that have obvious or even slightly hidden sexual meanings.

That is not the way to introduce yourself to strangers. I promise you, the responses you receive will be sexually obscene.

Fourth – Spend time putting up your profile. Don’t just “slap” something up and expect quality responses. Make sure it is thoughtful, informative, and mature. This will determine the types of people you will attract.

Upload a fairly current and flattering photo.

Fifth - Your profile should say: “You”. Make it stand out. If you have a favorite poem, add it. If you fancy yourself as a sketch artist, include a couple of your favorites.

Sixth – I suggest listing your “ground rules”. Things you will tolerate, and things you won’t.

On all of my dating profiles, I list what I will not respond to:

No photo? No response! (5% of the time I will break this rule. It depends on their initial email.)

I will not respond to “flirts”! You know the ones: “hey you” “smile” “kiss” “wink”
“I am interested in you” “you’re beautiful” etc.

I’m really not sure why, but the “flirts” really get under my skin!

Seventh – Prepare a basic “thanks-but-no-thank” email to send to someone you have absolutely no interest in. I’ve used the same one for years:

“Thanks for your interest, but I believe someone else would be better suited for you than me. Good luck in your search.”

Online dating should be fun! But you must set yourself up correctly...to get control of your online dating “environment”. This is your home...make it yours! Follow these tips, and have the time of your life!

Online Dating-Is She Playing You?

Nothing is worse than feeling like a fool. Offline, we can “check up” on our love interest.

When she said she took the day off because she was sick, we can always drive by her place and make sure the car is there.

But online, we pretty much have to take people at their word.

However, there are a few things we can avoid online, to reduce the chances of being played:

Before you even know her favorite color, she has a financial emergency.

It usually starts with needing her phone bill paid. (You would have an interest in this...just imagine, if she had no phone you couldn’t talk to her!)

Next, it’s car repairs. (If her car isn’t repaired, she will lose her job. In your mind, you would rather pay for her car repair. If she loses her job, she will need rent, utilities, bill money, etc.)

Now we are on to day care. The child support check is late. She will pay you back as soon as it comes, but for now she wants you to wire money for day care. You have no doubt you will be repaid immediately. (Even though you haven’t been fully repaid for the phone bill and the car repairs.)

Don’t kid yourself: do not make a second loan, if the first one hasn’t been repaid in full.

Simply say:”I really don’t feel comfortable loaning you additional money, when you haven’t repaid the first one.” (Her next move will let you know if she is playing you.)

If she stops emailing you...stops returning your phone calls, you were getting paid. Be thankful you only loaned her money for her phone bill. Consider it a small investment to protect your financial future!

I know all women online are not out to play you. But, you don’t want to go into a brand new online relationship with your wallet wide open

Online Dating-The Secret To Attracting Love Online

We all have the ability to attract love anywhere and everywhere. We just have to know how!

The secret to attracting love online is...

Knowing! Knowing who we are...Knowing what we want...Knowing where to find what we want!

Do you know who you really are? If not take the time needed to find out before going any further. Once you know who you are, you will need to know what you want. Can you honestly say you know what you want? The majority of the Singles go online without a clue as to who they are looking for.

Once you know the “who” and the “what” then you have to know the “where”.

The secret to attracting love online...is finding exactly where they are. You want to be patient enough to take the time needed to browse, and browse until you find the Singles that fit the specifications of who and what you are looking for.

Begin by browsing the largest online dating sites. I would pick 2 or 3 sites to work with.

You may even want to pick a few of the “specialty” sites. The ones that cater to more specifics based on age, race, religion, etc. You might want to pick 1 or 2 of these sites also.

With all of the online dating sites you decide to use, keep notes. Within your notes, list the site and the User Names of the Singles that catch your attention.

At the end of your free trials, review your notes. You want to join the site/s that has produced the best results for you!

Online Dating-The Secret To Finding The Love Of Your Life Online

That is the goal of every online single! We all want to find the love of our life!

Never give up, because it is possible and it is happening every single day!

The secret to finding the love of your life online is knowing exactly what you want. We can’t go into online dating without knowing exactly the type of person the love of our life is. We need to know what they are like inside and outside!

In my case I am 6’ tall. The love of my life must be over 6’ tall. I am full figured and really slim men make me feel larger than I want to feel! I am a very involved with the church, so I wouldn’t get along too well with an atheist. These are things that must be shared from the very beginning! If I have developed feelings for someone, then discovered they were only 5’6”, we’re going to have a problem!

Things that are the most important to me have to be “cleared” from the very beginning. That way I can save myself and others a lot of time.

And the singles that are online to sincerely find the love of their life appreciate when someone clearly says; “thanks for your interest, but I am sure someone else would be better suited for you than me.”

The secret to finding the love of your life is to be completely honest about who you are and who you are looking for!